Follow the Huron River Water Trail to Adventure
Favorite River Trips for Outdoor Fun
The staff of the Huron River Watershed Council (HRWC) works to protect and restore the Huron River. And they know it well! Spending quality play-time in, on and near the water gives them a

Paddling the Barton Nature Area, Ann Arbor, while a Great Blue Heron flies overhead by Daniel Brown.
chance to relax and reflect on their work. You too may enjoy some of their favorite trips and activities:
- A favorite fishing spot along Riverside Park in Ypsilanti – The Huron River watershed is full of great habitat for many fish species. The river at Riverside Park is wide and fairly easy to navigate. Plus, this stretch has LOTS of bass!
- An easygoing round trip paddle from Barton Park to Bandemer Park in Ann Arbor – The launch at Barton Park provides convenient parking and paddling for a nice round trip down to Bandemer Park and back.
- An exciting “paddle-down-cycle-up trip” from Portage Lake to Dexter-Huron Metropark in Dexter – Drop your bikes off at Dexter-Huron Metropark. Launch your kayaks into Portage Lake. Take out at Dexter-Huron Metropark. Then jump on your bikes and head back to the car along the Border-to-Border Trail.
- A tranquil paddle on Pickerel Lake – For some quiet water paddling full of awesome wildlife viewing opportunities head to to Pickerel Lake within the Pinckney Recreation Area.
- A quiet, cool tubing trip between Dexter and Ann Arbor – Pick a hot day. Leave a bike or car at the Washtenaw County Stokes-Burns Park on Zeeb Road and head to Dexter-Huron Metropark. The rest is easy. Relax into your tube. The steady current will take you gently down the river.
- A scenic trip down the Huron River in Milford – Milford is proud of its heritage and connection to the Huron River. Certainly, Milford is a destination for paddling recreation. The natural beauty of the Upper Huron can be enjoyed by beginners and advanced paddlers alike.
For even more ideas go to Recommended Trips under the Explore tab. Whether you have an hour or a day, there you will find ideas for river trips, flat water paddling, outfitters and even rapid runs divvied up by section.
Happy exploring. We’ll see you on the river!